
The Remix plugin for Nx contains executors and generators for managing Remix applications and libraries within an Nx workspace. It provides:

  • Integration with libraries such as Vitest, Jest, Cypress, and Storybook.

  • Generators for applications, libraries, routes, loaders, and more.

  • Library build support for publishing packages to npm or other registries.

  • Utilities for automatic workspace refactoring.

Package reference

Here is a list of all the executors and generators available from this package.



  • serve

    Serve a Remix application.

  • build

    Build a Remix application.


  • presetInternal

    Generate a new Remix workspace

  • setupInternal

    Setup a Remix in an existing workspace

  • application

    Generate a new Remix application

  • cypress-component-configuration

    Generate a Cypress Component Testing configuration for a Remix project

  • library

    Generate a new library

  • route

    Generate a new route

  • resource-route

    Generate a new resource route

  • action

    Add an action function to an existing route

  • loader

    Add a loader function to an existing route

  • style

    Generates a new stylesheet and adds it to an existing route

  • setup-tailwind

    Generates a TailwindCSS configuration for the Remix application

  • storybook-configuration

    Generates a Storybook configuration for a Remix application

  • meta

    Add a meta function to an existing route

  • error-boundary

    Add an ErrorBoundary to an existing route

  • cypress

    Generate a project for testing Remix apps using Cypress